CrossFit – Mon, May 20


May Events:

  • Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch May 11, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today.
  • HERO WEEK May 20-24.
  • Closed Sat, May 25th & Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.

June Events:

  • Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch June 8, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today.

CrossFit VU – CrossFit

TOG51 (Time)

For Time:

51 Bar Facing Burpee Clusters

You will perform a bar facing burpee, once you have jumped over the bar, then grab the bar and perform a cluster (squat clean thruster). This is one rep. You should be facing a different direction for each rep.

In honor of Tyler Owen Griffin, a Marine, who lost his life to an IED in an attempt to save another Marine.