Announcements NEW TSHIRTS AND CROP t’s/TANK TOPS have been ordered with a few extra in ea size. Bring a Friend Week #BAF is coming Aug 12-17th! Start lookin for your next best FRAN wod partner! They join that week, $50 off for you and them! 9th Annual Member appreciation beach day. Saturday, August 24th, from 9am until we are done. Event details on FB event. Please RSVP so we have a headcount. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 200m run into 2 rounds 5/5 Box Step Ups 5 inch worms w/ push up Review movements Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Teams of 2 AMRAP 24 400m run (split) 50 DB S2O (35/20) 50 DBL DB Box Step Ups (35/20)(24/20) 50 Push UpsRX+ 50/35 Scaled/Masters 25/15 Single DB Box Step Up Push up to a plate Strength Deadlift (EMOM x 8 2 “heavy” reps) Start moderate and quickly build
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Announcements NEW TSHIRTS AND CROP t’s/TANK TOPS are available on FB private group for pre order. July 1 – New Qtr for Committed Club! Raffle inbound for one lucky winner to get some ASCENT PROTEIN! July 4th Hours. 5/6/830 am & Noon class. Closed PM. Bring a Friend Week #BAF is coming Aug 12-17th! Start lookin for your next best FRAN wod partner! They join that week, $50 off for you and them! 9th Annual Member appreciation beach day. Saturday, August 24th, from 9am until we are done. Event details on FB event. Please RSVP so we have a headcount. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Teams of 2 AMRAP 24 400m run (split) 50 DB S2O (50/35) 50 DBL DB Box Step Ups 50 Push Ups Strength Deadlift (EMOM x 8 2 “heavy” reps) Start moderate and quickly build
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Announcements NEW TSHIRTS AND CROP t’s/TANK TOPS are available on FB private group for pre order. July 1 – New Qtr for Committed Club! Raffle inbound for one lucky winner to get some ASCENT PROTEIN! July 4th Hours. 5/6/830 am & Noon class. Closed PM. Bring a Friend Week #BAF is coming Aug 12-17th! Start lookin for your next best FRAN wod partner! They join that week, $50 off for you and them! 9th Annual Member appreciation beach day. Saturday, August 24th, from 9am until we are done. Event details on FB event. Please RSVP so we have a headcount. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 50 SU 1 round of ‘Cindy” 50 DU 1 round of Cindy CrossFit Games Open 13.3 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 12-minute AMRAP of: 150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14# 90 Double-Unders 30 Muscle-upsScaled/Masters 100-150 WB (any weight) 90 SU 30 RR Strength Hang...
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Announcements NEW TSHIRTS AND CROP t’s/TANK TOPS are available on FB private group for pre order. July 1 – New Qtr for Committed Club! Raffle inbound for one lucky winner to get some ASCENT PROTEIN! July 4th Hours. 5/6/830 am & Noon class. Closed PM. Bring a Friend Week #BAF is coming Aug 12-17th! Start lookin for your next best FRAN wod partner! They join that week, $50 off for you and them! 9th Annual Member appreciation beach day. Saturday, August 24th, from 9am until we are done. Event details on FB event. Please RSVP so we have a headcount. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 25 25/16 cal Bike or Row 100′ SA KB Farmers Carry (53/35) 25 KB Swings 2:00 rest Cool Down ROMWOD
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Announcements NEW TSHIRTS AND CROP t’s/TANK TOPS have been ordered with a few extra in ea size. Bring a Friend Week #BAF is coming Aug 12-17th! Start lookin for your next best FRAN wod partner! They join that week, $50 off for you and them! 9th Annual Member appreciation beach day. Saturday, August 24th, from 9am until we are done. Event details on FB event. Please RSVP so we have a headcount. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 1 min bike or row 10 good mornings 10 pike push ups 1 min bike or row 15 sec side plank each side 30 sec plank Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 25 25/16 cal Bike or Row 100′ SA KB Farmers Carry (53/35) 25 KB Swings 2:00 rest Cool Down ROMWOD
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