CrossFit – Wed, May 29


May Events:

  • Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch May 11, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today.
  • HERO WEEK May 20-24.
  • Closed Sat, May 25th & Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.

June Events:

  • Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch June 8, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today.

CrossFit VU – CrossFit

Warm Up (0-12)

2 Rounds

10-15s Ring Support/Half Push Up Hold

10 Ring/Bar Kip Swings

20 Banded Tricep Extensions

20 Air Squats

Metcon (20-34) (Time)

For Time

5 Shoulder to OH 135/95

5 Ring Muscle Ups

5 Front Squats 135/95

10/10/10, 15/15/15

14 Min Cap


5 DB Shoulder to OH 35/20s

5 Ring Rows*

5 DB Front Squats 35/20s

10/10/10, 15/15/15

*Other options:

BMU/RR+Ring Dip/Push Up+Strict Pull Up

Split Jerk (EMOM 5
1 Rep
8:00 to establish a Heavy Double)

From the rack

8:00 after metcon

Focus on technique during the emom then give 3-4 good attempts on the section for the heavy double.