  • CF Level 1 Certificate

I have been doing CrossFit for 2 years. I love learning and with CrossFit you are doing that on a daily basis with all the movements and skills it has to offer. I find joy in accomplishing my own goals, however, over time I have learned that I have an even greater joy in helping those around me accomplish their own goals. My favorite part about coaching is seeing the lightbulb click in our member’s head when they learn a new movement or even the excitement they get when they achieve a new PR.

In high school I played basketball. My most notable accomplishments are scoring over 1,000 points in just 3 years and leading my team to 3rd place in state my Junior year.

Faith. Family. Fitness. I am always striving to improve all 3 of these areas of my life on a daily basis. If I begin to neglect one of them the other two will always be negatively affected.

One of my favorite quotes is “I hated every minute of training, But I Said, Don’t Quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion.”

Fun Fact! I am an avid Clemson Tiger Fan! Go Tigers! I have competed internationally in Archery and Table Tennis tournaments while in high school. I have been known to go by Robin Hood and/or Forrest Gump…