Announcements Thanksgiving Hours Weds 11/25- No 630pm Thurs 11/26- Closed Fri- 11/27 Closed Saturday- OPEN FOR A BIG Class and team WOD! CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 8 MINUTES 100m Jog 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Mountain Climbers 10 Squat Jumps 10 Box Step-Ups Strength Metcon (Weight) 3 SETS FOR QUALITY 8/8 Bulgarian Split Squats* 10 Decline Tempo Push-Ups (31X1)** *Keep Loading Moderate **Feet on (1) or (2) 45# Plates (Score is Weight) Workout Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 3 SETS FOR REPS 1:00 – Max Back Rack Lunges (95/65)|(65/45) 1:00 – Max “Perfect” Push-Ups* 1:00 – Max Box Jumps (30/24)|(24/20) 1:00 – 150m Sprint -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- *1111 Tempo on Push-Ups (Score is Reps)
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Announcements Thanksgiving Hours Weds 11/25- No 630pm Thurs 11/26- Closed Fri- 11/27 Closed Saturday- OPEN FOR A BIG Class and team WOD! CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 10 MINUTES* 400m Run 10 Inchworms w/ Push-Up 10 Alt. V-Ups 10 Up-Downs 10 Scap Pull-Ups Easy, For Quality Pace! Workout Metcon (Time) FOR TIME* 10 Jerks (155/105)|(115/75) 30 Burpees 20 Jerks 40 Toes to Bar 30 Jerks 50 Up-Down Over Bar *Option for Push or Split Jerk. (Score is Time) Partner Workout Option Metcon (Time) IN TEAMS OF 2… FOR TIME* 20 Jerks (155/105)|(115/75) 60 Burpees 40 Jerks 80 Toes to Bar 60 Jerks 100 Up-Down Over Bar *P1 works while P2 rests, split up the reps as needed. Option for Push or Split Jerk. (Score is Time)
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Announcements Thanksgiving Hours Weds 11/25- No 630pm Thurs 11/26- Closed Fri- 11/27 Closed Saturday- OPEN FOR A BIG Class and team WOD! CrossFit VU – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Time) In teams of 4 people we will have a conga line style workout. 3 RFT: 21-15-9 reps (rd1/2/3) – DB Thrusters 35/20# – Pull Ups/ring rows – HSPU/push ups -250m Row -rest station RX+ 50/35# DBs C2B pull upsObjective: Complete Rds of 21-15-9 + row for time as a team. One person starts 21 DB thrusters as teammates wait in line for you to advance to the next station of 21. Once thrusters are complete athlete 1 moves forward to 21 pull ups then athletes 2 starts DB thrusters. 3&4 are waiting for athletes 1&2 to advance before #3 can start. Continue this pattern until the wod is complete. Rd1 is 21’s, Rd2 is 15’s, Rd3 is set of...
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Announcements Thanksgiving Hours Weds 11/25- No 630pm Thurs 11/26- Closed Fri- 11/27 Closed Saturday- OPEN FOR A BIG Class and team WOD! CrossFit VU – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard
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Announcements Thanksgiving Hours Weds 11/25- No 630pm Thurs 11/26- Closed Fri- 11/27 Closed Saturday- OPEN FOR A BIG Class and team WOD! CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 8 MINUTES 100m Run 20 Single Unders* 5 Clean Grip Deadlifts 5 Hang High-Pulls 5 Hang Power Cleans 10 Elbow Punches Workout “BOGO” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP x 20 MINUTES 400m Run 10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)|(95/65) 50 Double Unders 200m Run 5 Hang Power Cleans 25 Double Unders (Score is Rounds + Reps) Optional Finisher Metcon (Time) FOR TIME 21-15-9-15-21 Barbell Curls (45/35) Barbell Wide-Grip Bent Over Row (Score is Time)
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