April Announcements
– Next Bring a Friend week, Apr 7-12! Start lining up those friends and fam again. Even if they are a repeat, lets get em in. They join, you get $50 off your next month!
-CFVU Paintball, Sat April 26th, 9-11 or 10-12. Event on FB for more details.
CrossFit VU – CrossFit
Warm Up
4 Rounds
:20 on / :20 off
Air Squats
S-Leg V-Ups
Empty Bar Work*
*R1 Deadlift, R2 Reverse Lunges, R3 Muscle Cleans, R4 Power Clean
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
AMRAP 3/4/5/6
20 Wall Balls 20/14
15 Toes to Bar
Max Power Cleans (increasing weight)
2:00 Rest between AMRAPs
Rd 1: 115/80
Rd 2: 155/105
Rd 3: 185/135
Rd 4: 225/155
20 WB 14/10
15 Sit Ups
Max Hang DB Power Cleans 35/20s
25 WB
20 TTB
PC 135-185-225-255