CrossFit – Wed, Jan 17


Bring A Friend Week #BAF. Jan 22-27, 2024

We will have an offer of $50 off for you and $50 off for your friend who joins! Must join before close of business Thursday of that week. If they join after, only you get the referral fee of $50.

Here is the waiver Link for your friend:

CrossFit VU – CrossFit

Warm up

Tabata #1

Row or Bike

Flow Stretching

Tabata #2

Mountain Climbers

Squat Reach Ups

Barbell Prep

Metcon (Time)

For time

500/400m row or 1.2/1km Bike

21 Hang Squat Cleans (95/65)

15 Pull Ups

500/400m Row or 1.2/1km Bike

21 Thrusters

15 Pull Ups

500/400m Row or 1.2/1km Bike

21 Front Squats

15 Pull Ups

25 min cap




400/300m row

Hang Squat Clean/Thruster/Front Squat (75/55)

Ring Rows

Cool Down

1 min seated saddle

1 min pigeon each side