CrossFit – Wed, Jan 24


Bring A Friend Week #BAF. Jan 22-27, 2024

We will have an offer of $50 off for you and $50 off for your friend who joins! Must join before close of business Thursday of that week. If they join after, only you get the referral fee of $50.

Here is the waiver Link for your friend:

CrossFit VU – CrossFit

Warm up

3 rounds

3/3 plank push ups

3/3 box step ups

10 glute bridges

15 sec tuck hold

Review movements

Metcon (Weight)

EMOM x 24

Min 1- 3 Wall Walks

Min 2- 10 Box Jumps (24/20)

Min 3- 15 Ab Mat Sit Ups

Min 4- 10 DB Hang Clean (35/25)

5 WW

12 Box Jumps


12 DB HC (50/35)

Cool Down

:30 Seal/Upward Facing Dog

:30/side Twisted Cross