Running Grace


Emerald Coast Throwdown June 25 (set up day) 26 & 27, 2021 at Fairgrounds. We still need lots of volunteers, especially on Sunday. If interested, please sign up here!—>
You will be rewarded for your efforts. Thank you for your continued support!

CrossFit VU – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

5-7min General warm up

10mins Burgener warm up for the PC+Push jerk.

Specific warm up:

Start Weightlifting to 10# heavier than what you will use for the wod.

Goal is to get the first 3-4 rds UB or all if possible. Try not to do just singles.

Running Grace (Time)


400m Run

5 Clean and Jerks 135#/95#
RX+ 155/105

30min Time cap



200m Run

5 C&Js @ lighter loads

Accessory Work

Core Tabata: (complete on your own, then MOB)

4-5sets of 20s w/10s r

-Sit ups

-Reverse crunches

-front plank side crunches

-ALT V-Ups

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