Announcements April Events: Paintball April 13, 930-1130. RSVP FB event asap. Do waiver ahead of time. Bring a friend week #BAF Apr 15-20 April 25th, Thurs @ 530pm, we will have Renew Concierge PT conduct a “How to prevent Lifting injuries” class. Free give aways for sessions and open to everyone. Def recommend for those who have a hard time activating your core. May Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch May 11, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. HERO WEEK May 20-24. Closed Sat, May 25th & Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. June Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch June 8, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 10-8-6-4-2 Samson Half Kneeling SA DB Press Hollow Rocks Barbell Prep Strength Choose 1 Push Jerk (Build to a 1RM ) 15-18 min Split Jerk (Build to a 1RM ) Metcon (Time) For time...
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