CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (Time) For Time 400m Run 25 TTB 100 DU 50 dbl DB DL 100 DU 25 TTB 400m RunRX+ 600m run
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CrossFit VU – CrossFit Mr. Lubba Lubba (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20min AMRAP Buy in w/ 50 cal Echo bike then AMRAP with time remaining -8 Muscle Snatch -23 Front squats -11 Strict press Scaled: 75/55# RX: 95/65# 50 cal echo bike (bc he was so good at 50 cals) 8 Muscle Snatch (Deployments to Afghanastan) -18 Front Squats (18D MOS) -11 Strict press (day of death/number of yrs deployed b/t combat, FID and Counter narcotic missions) Pat doing what he does best. Fixing hurt people.
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CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up Halo 2 rounds 5 scap pull ups 5 kip swings 5 tuck ups Review TTB Primer 2 rounds 10 air squats 5 TTB/HKR Metcon (5 Rounds for time) Every 3:00 x 5 sets 25 air squats 15 TTB *rest remainder of time *score each roundRX+ 30 air squats Scaled/ Masters 20-25 air squats 20 HKR Finisher For quality 100 banded tricep push downs 100 banded bicep curls *complete in any order
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CrossFit VU – CrossFit CrossFit Games Open 24.2 Rx (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps) As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 300-meter row* 10 deadlifts 50 double-unders F: 125lb M: 185lb *Each row counts as 30 reps (10m = 1 rep)To learn more about CrossFit Games Open 24.2 Rx (Ages 16-54) click here CrossFit Games Open 24.2 Scaled (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps) As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 300-meter row 10 deadlifts 50 single-unders F: 95lb M: 135lbTo learn more about CrossFit Games Open 24.2 Scaled (Ages 16-54) click here
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CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (Weight) EMOM x 15 40 sec on/ 20 sec off Min 1- DB Bench Press (50/35) Min 2- Banded Plank Lateral Raise Min 3- T Bar Rows w/ towelRX+ 70/50 Scaled/Masters 35/20 Cool Down ROMWOD
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