Announcements Bring A Friend Week #BAF. Jan 22-27, 2024 We will have an offer of $50 off for you and $50 off for your friend who joins! Must join before close of business Thursday of that week. If they join after, only you get the referral fee of $50. Here is the waiver Link for your friend: https://app.wodify.com/AdminDocument/SignWaiver?WaiverToken=EEACB27E9DDA3D0D14DBF9858EDA8D080BFC6F9A3DC8E9AB844E57676583DEF3 CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 11 2..4..6..8..10 Shuttle Run V UpsScaled/Masters Alt V Ups
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Announcements Bring A Friend Week #BAF. Jan 22-27, 2024 We will have an offer of $50 off for you and $50 off for your friend who joins! Must join before close of business Thursday of that week. If they join after, only you get the referral fee of $50. Here is the waiver Link for your friend: https://app.wodify.com/AdminDocument/SignWaiver?WaiverToken=EEACB27E9DDA3D0D14DBF9858EDA8D080BFC6F9A3DC8E9AB844E57676583DEF3 CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (Time) For time 500/400m row or 1.2/1km Bike 21 Hang Squat Cleans (95/65) 15 Pull Ups 500/400m Row or 1.2/1km Bike 21 Thrusters 15 Pull Ups 500/400m Row or 1.2/1km Bike 21 Front Squats 15 Pull Ups 25 min capRX+ 115/85 C2B Scaled/Masters 400/300m row Hang Squat Clean/Thruster/Front Squat (75/55) Ring Rows
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Announcements Bring A Friend Week #BAF. Jan 22-27, 2024 We will have an offer of $50 off for you and $50 off for your friend who joins! Must join before close of business Thursday of that week. If they join after, only you get the referral fee of $50. Here is the waiver Link for your friend: https://app.wodify.com/AdminDocument/SignWaiver?WaiverToken=EEACB27E9DDA3D0D14DBF9858EDA8D080BFC6F9A3DC8E9AB844E57676583DEF3 CrossFit VU – CrossFit Strength Shoulder Press (Every 3:00 x 4 sets Max reps @ 115/75 95/65 75/55) RX+ 135/95 115/75 95/65 Metcon (Time) 3 rounds 7 burpees 5/5 S- DB Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35) into.. 3 rounds 7 burpees 5/5 S- DB Hang Snatches 11 min capRX+ 70/50 Scaled/Masters up downs 35/25
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Announcements Bring A Friend Week #BAF. Jan 22-27, 2024 We will have an offer of $50 off for you and $50 off for your friend who joins! Must join before close of business Thursday of that week. If they join after, only you get the referral fee of $50. Here is the waiver Link for your friend: https://app.wodify.com/AdminDocument/SignWaiver?WaiverToken=EEACB27E9DDA3D0D14DBF9858EDA8D080BFC6F9A3DC8E9AB844E57676583DEF3 CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 3 min cardio 3 rounds 15 jumping jacks 10 Seated Pike Leg Lifts 8 KB RDL Barbell Prep Primer 2 rounds 15 DU/SU 5 TTB/HKR 5 DL @ 3rd Barbell weight Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 15 50 DU 20 TTB 50 DU 20 Deadlift Rd 1- 135/95 Rd 2- 185/125 Rd 3- 225/155 Rd 4- 275/205 Goal is to make it atleast to the 3rd barbellRX+ 185/125 225/155 275/205 315/245 Scaled/Masters 50 SU 20 HKR 50 SU 20 Deadlift 115/85 135/95 155/105 185/125...
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Announcements Bring A Friend Week #BAF. Jan 22-27, 2024 We will have an offer of $50 off for you and $50 off for your friend who joins! Must join before close of business Thursday of that week. If they join after, only you get the referral fee of $50. Here is the waiver Link for your friend: https://app.wodify.com/AdminDocument/SignWaiver?WaiverToken=EEACB27E9DDA3D0D14DBF9858EDA8D080BFC6F9A3DC8E9AB844E57676583DEF3 CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (Time) Teams of 2 60 S-KB Goblet Squats (53/35) 200m DBL KB Farmers Carry (switch as you wish) 60 S-KB Goblet Squats 200m run (together) into 60 S-KB Box Step Ups (24/20) 200m DBL KB Farmers Carry 60 S-KB Box Step Ups 200m run (together) 20 min capRX+ 70/53 Scaled/Masters 40-50 reps 35/26
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