Announcements Thanksgiving hours: Wednesday Nov 24th, NO 630pm Class. Thursday 25th and Friday 26th, CLOSED. Come work the turkey off on Saturday for our Turkey burn off WOD Practice Safe Sets Shirts/tanks are open for pre order! OD green hoodies are in process as well. Head over to FB page or get your name on the list at the gym to order. Cheers! CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 SETS (8:00 CAP… Get as far as you can) 200m Run 10 Up-Downs 8 Deadbugs 8 Push-Up to Pike 10 Barbell RDL Strength Deadlift (Build to a Heavy 5-Rep “Library” Deadlift*) ON A 20:00 RUNNING CLOCK… *All lifts must be “library” quiet. (Score is Weight) Workout DIANE (Time) FOR TIME 21-15-9 Deadlift (225/155)|(155/105) Handstand Push-up (Score is Time) KG BB: (100/70)|(70/55) HSPU Option 1: Pike Push-Ups HSPU Option 2: DB Strict Press
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Announcements Thanksgiving hours: Wednesday Nov 24th, NO 630pm Class. Thursday 25th and Friday 26th, CLOSED. Come work the turkey off on Saturday for our Turkey burn off WOD Practice Safe Sets Shirts/tanks are open for pre order! OD green hoodies are in process as well. Head over to FB page or get your name on the list at the gym to order. Cheers! CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 SETS FOR QUALITY (ON A 6:00 RUNNING CLOCK) 5 I.Y.T.’s* 10 Tuck-Ups or V-Ups (Feet may not touch the floor) 20 Mountain Climbers** *Use a pair of light change plates or DBs. ** L + R = 1 RepCOACH NOTE — From here, move into teaching the TTB and progressing through a DB Push Press timing drill. Workout Metcon (Time) 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME 8 DB Push Press (50/35)|(35/20) 8 Toes to Bar 200m Run...
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Announcements Thanksgiving hours: Wednesday Nov 24th, NO 630pm Class. Thursday 25th and Friday 26th, CLOSED. Come work the turkey off on Saturday for our Turkey burn off WOD Practice Safe Sets Shirts/tanks are open for pre order! OD green hoodies are in process as well. Head over to FB page or get your name on the list at the gym to order. Cheers! CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 5 Clean Deadlifts 5 Hang Muscle Cleans 5 Scap Push Ups 5 Air Squats *At 2:30, upgrade to the following AMRAP: 5 Hang Power Cleans 5 Knee Push Ups 5 Jumping Squats Strength Metcon (Weight) ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Build to a Mod-Heavy Complex: 2 Power Cleans + 1 Hang Clean* *Option for Hang Power or Hang Squat (Score is Weight) Workout The Chief (AMRAP – Rounds) Max rounds in 3...
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Announcements Thanksgiving hours: Wednesday Nov 24th, NO 630pm Class. Thursday 25th and Friday 26th, CLOSED. Come work the turkey off on Saturday for our Turkey burn off WOD Practice Safe Sets Shirts/tanks are open for pre order! OD green hoodies are in process as well. Head over to FB page or get your name on the list at the gym to order. Cheers! CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) EMOM x 6 MINUTES Min 1 – :40 Lung + Lunge + Squat Min 2 – 10 Slam Ball Deadlift + 10 Slam Ball OH Press Min 3 – :40 Shoulder Taps Into… EMOM x 6 MINUTES Min 1 – :40 Box Step Overs Min 2 – 10 Slam Ball G2O + 5 Tuck Jumps Min 3 – :40 Slow Deadbugs Workout Metcon (Time) FOR TIME* 50 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 100 Sit-Ups** 25 Box Jump...
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Announcements Thanksgiving hours: Wednesday Nov 24th, NO 630pm Class. Thursday 25th and Friday 26th, CLOSED. Come work the turkey off on Saturday for our Turkey burn off WOD Practice Safe Sets Shirts/tanks are open for pre order! OD green hoodies are in process as well. Head over to FB page or get your name on the list at the gym to order. Cheers! CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) :30 Bike (Easy) :30 Bike (Legs Only) :30 Bike (Arms Only) :30 Bike (Mod) 2 ROUNDS :10 Ring Support Hold 8 Ring Rows 6 Frog Jumps (Pause in Plank) 1:00 Bike (Mod-Hard) 2 ROUNDS 4 DB/KB Swing + 4 DB/KB Clean + 4 DB/KB Push Press (R)* 4 DB/KB Swing + 4 DB/KB Clean + 4 DB/KB Push Press (L) 6 Up-Downs *Athletes — Perform all DB/KB reps on one arm before moving to the other...
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