Announcements December Events –Christmas Party, Saturday Dec 14. 12-5pm. Bring a dish, dessert, and your fam! Be sure to RSVP on FB event. If you are bringing something or someone, please list and let us know how many are coming if they can not RSVP themselves. CFVU will provide a large main dish usually protein and all the flat wear and decor! Dirty Santa is always huge, $30 gift limit. -Closed Dec 24 & 25 in observance of Christmas holiday. -Closed Dec 31 & Jan 1 in observance of New Years holiday. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up “Tabata style” 4 Rounds of: :20 on / :10 off Hollow Rocks Inch Worms (no push up) Alt Jumping Lunges (rotate through every :30) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 28 5 S-DB Box Step Ups (50/35)(24/20) 5 Ab Mat Sit Ups 5 S-DB Hang Clean & Jerk 5 Wall Walks...
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Announcements December Events –Christmas Party, Saturday Dec 14. 12-5pm. Bring a dish, dessert, and your fam! Be sure to RSVP on FB event. If you are bringing something or someone, please list and let us know how many are coming if they can not RSVP themselves. CFVU will provide a large main dish usually protein and all the flat wear and decor! Dirty Santa is always huge, $30 gift limit. -Closed Dec 24 & 25 in observance of Christmas holiday. -Closed Dec 31 & Jan 1 in observance of New Years holiday. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up EMOM x 6 40 sec on / 20 sec off Min 1- Row Min 2- up downs Barbell Prep Metcon (Time) For Time 21/18 cal row 21 OHS (75/55) 21 burpee pull up -rest 2 min- 15/12 cal row 15 OHS 15 burpee pull up -rest 2 min- 9/6 cal row 9...
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Announcements December Events –Christmas Party, Saturday Dec 14. 12-5pm. Bring a dish, dessert, and your fam! Be sure to RSVP on FB event. If you are bringing something or someone, please list and let us know how many are coming if they can not RSVP themselves. CFVU will provide a large main dish usually protein and all the flat wear and decor! Dirty Santa is always huge, $30 gift limit. -Closed Dec 24 & 25 in observance of Christmas holiday. -Closed Dec 31 & Jan 1 in observance of New Years holiday. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 3 rounds 100m run 10 KB Taters Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 4 sets AMRAP 2 200m Run Max Squat Cleans (95/65) 1:00 RestRX+ 115/85 Strength Back Squat (Every 2:00 for 5 sets 3 heavy reps )
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Announcements December Events –Christmas Party, Saturday Dec 14. 12-5pm. Bring a dish, dessert, and your fam! Be sure to RSVP on FB event. If you are bringing something or someone, please list and let us know how many are coming if they can not RSVP themselves. CFVU will provide a large main dish usually protein and all the flat wear and decor! Dirty Santa is always huge, $30 gift limit. -Closed Dec 24 & 25 in observance of Christmas holiday. -Closed Dec 31 & Jan 1 in observance of New Years holiday. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 100m run 8 Empty Bar Strict Press 8 V-Ups 100/6/6, 100/4/4, 100/2/2 Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 12 Climb the Ladder 40 Double Unders 3 Toes to Bar 3 Push Press (135/95) 40/6/6, 40/9/9, 40/12/12, etc Strength Bench Press (5RM) 12 min clock
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Announcements December Events –Christmas Party, Saturday Dec 14. 12-5pm. Bring a dish, dessert, and your fam! Be sure to RSVP on FB event. If you are bringing something or someone, please list and let us know how many are coming if they can not RSVP themselves. CFVU will provide a large main dish usually protein and all the flat wear and decor! Dirty Santa is always huge, $30 gift limit. -Closed Dec 24 & 25 in observance of Christmas holiday. -Closed Dec 31 & Jan 1 in observance of New Years holiday. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 4 Rounds :30 on :30 off Row build efforts across each set. Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Every 3:00 for 30:00 24/20 Calorie Row 18 Burpees over Partner Holding a Plank on Forearms Max Back Squats (115/85) Split all the reps any way you’d like Score is total Back Squats.
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