CrossFit – Fri, May 31


May Events:

  • HERO WEEK May 20-24.
  • Closed Sat, May 25th & Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.

June Events:

  • Fix my Oly Clinic for Clean & Jerk June 8, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today.

CrossFit VU – CrossFit

Warm Up (0-12)

2 Rounds

200m Run

15 Medball Cleans

10 Straight Leg Medball Situps

Metcon (20-35) (Time)

3 Rounds

400m Run

30 Wallballs 20/14

20 Toes to Bar

15 Min Cap

40 Wallballs 20/14


3 Rounds

300m Run

20 Wallballs (any weight)

15 Ab Mat Situps

Power Clean (Every 2:00 for 10:00 (5 Sets)
3 Heavy T&G Reps)

10:00 post-metcon

*Each set should be a decent challenge