Announcements April Events: April 25th, Thurs @ 530pm, we will have Renew Concierge PT conduct a “How to prevent Lifting injuries” class. Free give-away’s for sessions and open to everyone. Register on the event via FB. May Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch May 11, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. HERO WEEK May 20-24. Closed Sat, May 25th & Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. June Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch June 8, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (Time) For time 35 SDLHP (95/65) 30 Pistols 50 cal row or 40 cal bike 30 Pistols 35 KBS 15 min capRX+ 115/85 Scaled/Masters 75/55 Pistol to box or plates
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Announcements April Events: April 25th, Thurs @ 530pm, we will have Renew Concierge PT conduct a “How to prevent Lifting injuries” class. Free give-away’s for sessions and open to everyone. Register on the event via FB. May Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch May 11, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. HERO WEEK May 20-24. Closed Sat, May 25th & Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. June Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch June 8, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Every 5:00 x 4 sets Rest 2 min b/t sets 300m run 15 Box Jump Over (24/20) 15 Pull Ups Max WB in time remaining (20/14)RX+ 10 BMU 30/20 Scaled/Masters 200m run 10-15 box step overs (20) 10-15 RR Max WB (14/10)
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Announcements April Events: April 25th, Thurs @ 530pm, we will have Renew Concierge PT conduct a “How to prevent Lifting injuries” class. Free give-away’s for sessions and open to everyone. Register on the event via FB. May Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch May 11, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. HERO WEEK May 20-24. Closed Sat, May 25th & Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. June Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch June 8, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Havana (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of: 150 double-unders 50 push-ups 15 power cleans Men: 185 lb. Women: 125 lb. Scroll for scaling options. Scaling Hero workouts are notoriously difficult, mentally and physically. Choose options that challenge you throughout. Each exercise should require multiple sets to complete, but reduce the reps as needed so...
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Announcements April Events: April 25th, Thurs @ 530pm, we will have Renew Concierge PT conduct a “How to prevent Lifting injuries” class. Free give-away’s for sessions and open to everyone. Register on the event via FB. May Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch May 11, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. HERO WEEK May 20-24. Closed Sat, May 25th & Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. June Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch June 8, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (Time) 3 rounds 21 RKBS (53/35) 15/15 Sledge Hammer Strikes 9 burpees 13 min capRX+ 70/53 Cool Down ROMWOD
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Announcements April Events: April 25th, Thurs @ 530pm, we will have Renew Concierge PT conduct a “How to prevent Lifting injuries” class. Free give-away’s for sessions and open to everyone. Register on the event via FB. May Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch May 11, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. HERO WEEK May 20-24. Closed Sat, May 25th & Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. June Events: Fix my Oly Clinic for Snatch June 8, 8a-12p. no CrossFit class today. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Strength Overhead Squat (Build to a heavy 3 Then Max reps @ 90% of the heavy 3 ) Metcon (Time) For time 400m run 40 DBL DB Farmers Carry Lunge Steps (35/20) 400m run 40 DBL DB Front Rack Lunge Steps 400m run 40 SA DB OH Lunge Steps * 20 per arm 14 min capRX+ 50/35
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