Announcements Please be sure to reserve your spot for class. When we have Snatch and Clean & Jerk days, the limit is a hard 15. For safety purposes, we must abide by these rules. You are welcometo always hangout to the side, do extra work before the next class. Thank you. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (No Measure) Tabata #1 20 sec on/10 sec off x 8 Cardio of choice rest 2 min Tabata #2 Russian Twists w/ slam ball rest 2 min Tabata #3 Plate G2O rest 2 min Tabata #4 Mountain Climbers Cool Down ROMWOD
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Announcements Please be sure to reserve your spot for class. When we have Snatch and Clean & Jerk days, the limit is a hard 15. For safety purposes, we must abide by these rules. You are welcometo always hangout to the side, do extra work before the next class. Thank you. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm-up 10 PVC Pass Thru 10 PVC Around the World :30 Thoracic Opener w/ Wall Ball + PVC 3/3 Worlds Greatest Barbell Prep (use PVC if needed) Take 8-10 min to build up to a moderate snatch then set weights aside for the EMOM Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Part A AMRAP 12 60 WB (20/14) 30 Pull Up 15 PowerSnatch (75/55) 10 BMU *2 min rest after AMRAP then start Part B EMOMRX+ 95/65 C2B Squat Snatch Scaled/Master 40 WB (14/10) 20 Pull Up/Ring Rows 10 PowerSnatch (65/45) 5 Burpee + Ring Row/Pull Up Snatch...
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Announcements Please be sure to reserve your spot for class. When we have Snatch and Clean & Jerk days, the limit is a hard 15. For safety purposes, we must abide by these rules. You are welcometo always hangout to the side, do extra work before the next class. Thank you. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm-up 1 min row or bike 5/5 Toy Soldiers 5 inchworms 5/5 groiners 1 min row or bike 5/5 SL Glute Bridges 5 bird dogs 5/5 shoulder taps 1 min row or bike 5/5 DB DL 5 up downs 5 pike push ups 1 min row or bike 5 DB Power Clean 5 burpees 5 HSPU Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Every 2:30 x 6 sets 500/400m row or 30/20 cal bike In time remaining Rd 1/4-Max DB Power Clean (35/20) Rd 2/5 Max Burpees Over DB Rd 3/6-Max HSPU *rest 90 sec B/T sets *goal...
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Announcements Please be sure to reserve your spot for class. When we have Snatch and Clean & Jerk days, the limit is a hard 15. For safety purposes, we must abide by these rules. You are welcometo always hangout to the side, do extra work before the next class. Thank you. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm-up 5/5Bulgarian split squats w/ foot on box :15 sumo squat hold 5 supermans Barbell Prep Strength Front Squat + Back Squat (5 Front Squat + 4 Back Squat @ 65-75% x 5 sets ) 20-25 min Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 15 4/4 SA DB Hang C & J (35/25) 10 Box Jump (24/20) 15 TTBRX+ Use a KB (53/35) Scaled/Masters 3/3 SA DB Hang C& J (25/15) 8 Box Jumps/Step Ups (20in) 10 Hanging Knee Raises
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Announcements Please be sure to reserve your spot for class. When we have Snatch and Clean & Jerk days, the limit is a hard 15. For safety purposes, we must abide by these rules. You are welcometo always hangout to the side, do extra work before the next class. Thank you. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Kitchen Sync (Time) Teams of 3 60 TTB 50 Box Jumps (24/20) into.. 60 SA DB OH Lunge (35/25) 50 DB Floor Press into.. 60 Heavy Wall Ball (30/20) 50 HR Push Ups rest until 20 min mark then.. 33 Synchro Alt DB Snatch 33 Cal Bike 33 Synchro BurpeesScaled less weight 40/30 rep scheme then 20/20/20
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