CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 1-2 ROUNDS 1:00 EZ Row 10 Scap Depressions* :20 Hollow Hold 1 ROUND :45 Moderate Row 10 Scap Retractions** 10 Hollow Rocks 1 ROUND :30 Hard Row 10 Ring Rows 10 Up-Downs with Jump *Also called a Scap Pull-Up, in a hanging position the athlete will Depress the Scaps meaning they will pull the Scap or Shoulder Blades “Down”. This will look similar to a shrug of the shoulders **Retraction of the Scaps or Shoulder Blades is a “Back and Down” motion. This is similar to the initial movement of a Strict Pull-Up without any bend in the arms ***To perform the Frog Jump, begin in a High Plank, jump the feet up to the hands and then back into a High Plank while keeping the hands on the ground throughout the movement Strength Metcon (No Measure) 4 SETS...
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