CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 8 MINUTES* :45 Bike @ Mod Pace 10 Step-Ups 10 Lunges with PVC Passthrough 10 Tuck-Ups *Halfway Switch too :45 Bike @ Hard Pace 10 Box Jumps 10 PVC Overhead Squats 10 Alt. V-Ups Strength Overhead Squat (1×3*) 2×3 1×3 *All working sets @ Mod-Heavy weight. If you have a 1RM OHS, the first sets of 3 should be roughly 90-95%, the sets of 3 should be roughly Heavier than the previous 2 sets. Focus on perfect movement. Week 6 of 8 (Score is Weight) Workout Metcon (Time) 2 ROUNDS FOR TIME 35/28 Cal Bike 25 Box Jumps (24/20) 10 Overhead Squats or Front Squats (165/115)|(115/75) (Score is Time) KG BB: (75/50)|(50/35)
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