CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) ON A 10:00 RUNNING CLOCK… 400m Group Run Immediately Into… 20 Alt. Walking Knee Hugs 20 Alt. Walking Figure-4 Stretch 10 Bootstrappers 10 Alt. Groiners w/ Twist 10 Inch Worms 10 Alt. Cossack Squats *From here, any remaining time, athletes can grab their DBs or a lighter set to practice the movements with. Workout “ELM STREET” (Time) 2 SETS FOR TIME 10 Devil’s Press (50/35)|(35/20) 400m Run 31 DB Sumo Cleans 300m Run 31 DB Floor Press 200m Run 31 DB Front Squats 100m Run 10 Devil’s Press -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Total Time) Partner Workout Option ()
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CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2 Sets 10 Step Ups 8 Scap Pull Ups 6 Ring Rows 2 Sets 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 8 Kipping Swings 6 Tuck Ups 2 Sets 10 Box Jumps (30/24) 8 Kipping Knee Raises 6 Jumping Pull Ups 10:00 Max Time — From here, move into breaking down the movements in the workout! Skill Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 3 SETS FOR REPS :45 Max Toes to Bar -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Total Reps) Workout HOCUS POCUS (Time) 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 13 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 13 Burpees 13 Toes to Bar 13 Box Jumps (30/24) *Weight Vest Optional. (Score is Time)
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CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2:00 Bike (EZ) into.. 2 ROUNDS 15 Toe Touch Jumping Jacks 10 Groiners 5 Broad Jumps into… 1:00 Bike (Mod-Hard) 2 ROUNDS (w/ Barbell) 6 Deadlift 12 Elbow Punches 6 Hang Muscle Cleans Strength Hang Power Clean (5-Rep ) ON A 18:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Build to a Heavy 5-Rep Hang Power Clean (Score is Weight) Workout Metcon (Time) FOR TIME* 27-21-15-9 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)|(65/45) *15/12 Cal Bike after each set (Score is Time) KG BB: (42.5/30)|(30/20) Optional Finisher Metcon (No Measure) FOR QUALITY 700/400 Alt. Box Step-Ups (20)* Week 4 of 6 — “Chad” Extra Credit *Weight Vest Optional (No Measure)
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CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 ROUNDS (10:00 Cap) 1:00 Row 10 Slow Quadruped Shoulder Taps 5 Push-Up to Pike 10 Hollow Rocks Skill Metcon (No Measure) ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK… Practice & Play HS Hold or HS Walk (No Measure) Workout Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) EMOM x 16 MINUTES MIN 1 – :45 Max Handstand Push-Ups* MIN 2&3 – Max Cal Row MIN 4 – Rest *Strict or Deficit HSPU Optional **No additional rest b/t Sets (Score is Lowest Reps in 4:00 Interval) HSPU Option 1: Pike Push-Ups HSPU Option 2: DB Strict Press
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CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2 Sets* 10 Banded Clam Shells 10/10 Monster Walks (10 Steps Forward/ 10 Steps Backwards) Into…. 2 Sets 10 Groiners 10 Banded Pull-Throughs ** 10 Barbell Kang Squats 30 Singles → 30 Double Unders/Attempts * Wrap a light band around the knees ** Band is wrapped around the bottom of the rig. Athletes face against the band and pull the band through the legs. (Think KB Swing) Strength Metcon (Weight) 3 SETS FOR QUALITY* 5 Tempo Back Squat (21X1, Heavy) 10 Russian KB Swings (Heavy) 1:00 Glute Bridge Hold *Same weight across all 3 sets. (Score is Back Squat Weight) Workout Metcon (Time) FOR TIME 45 Back Squats (185/135)|(135/95)* *Option to come from the rack. **Every 2:30 beginning at 0:00, perform 15 KB Swings (53/35)|(35/26) + 30 Double Unders. (Score is Time) KG BB: (85/60)|(60/42.5) KG KB: (24/16)|(16/12) Cool...
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