CrossFit VU – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 Rounds 1:00 Row 10 PVC Pass Thru 10 Around the World 5/5 Banded Strict Press 10 banded pull aparts Into W empty barbell 5 strict press 5 push press 5 Sumo Deadlift 5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull Workout Metcon (Time) 2 ROUNDS FOR TIME* 800/600m Row or 40/30 cal bike Into… 15-12-9 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)|(75/55) Sumo Deadlift High-Pull Sit-Ups *Workout is 2 full rounds of all the work (Score is Time) KG BB: (42.5/30)|(30/20)RX + 1000/800m row or 50/40 cal bike 115/85 Scaled Less weight 1 round Metcon (Time) 2 ROUNDS FOR TIME* 800/600m Row or 40/30 cal bike Into… 15-12-9 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)|(75/55) Sumo Deadlift High-Pull Sit-Ups *Workout is 2 full rounds of all the work (Score is Time) KG BB: (42.5/30)|(30/20)RX + 1000/800m row or 50/40 cal bike 115/85 Scaled Less weight 1 round
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CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 10 MINUTES 1:00 Bike (Easy) 5 Inch Worms w/ Push-Up :30 Plank 5 Up-Down Broad Jumps 20 Banded Face Pulls 5 Tempo Ring Rows (30X1) Extended Warm-up Metcon (No Measure) EMOM x 6 MINUTES MIN 1 – :45 Max Hollow Body Hang MIN 2 – :45 Bike* *Increasing pace every round from EZ to Moderate. Note your cals in each effort. (No Measure) Workout Metcon (No Measure) EMOM x 20 MINUTES MIN 1 – 8-12 Up-Down Box Jumps (30/24) MIN 2 – 8-12 Strict Pull-Ups MIN 3 – 12/10 Cal Bike* MIN 4 – Max Plank Rotations *Increase by 3 Cals Every Round Until Failure. Then back to 12/10. (No Measure)
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CrossFit VU – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 400m Run Into… AMRAP x 4 MINUTES 10 Alt Groiners 10 Bootstrappers 10 Arm Haulers* 10 Elbow rotations w/ empty barbell Into… Review Power Clean and begin building up to workout weight (8-10 min) *Arm Haulers = In a Superman, reach the hands overhead, then reach the hands towards the low back without letting arms touch the ground Workout The Chief (AMRAP – Rounds) Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 Power Cleans, 135#/95# 6 Push-ups 9 Squats Rest 1-minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cyclesScaled Less weight Knee push ups Cool Down Warm-up (No Measure) FOR RECOVERY 400m Walk Nasal Breathing Only (No Measure)
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CrossFit VU – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Functional BodyBuilding Metcon (No Measure) Chest/Tri/Back 4 rounds 40 sec work/ 20 sec rest Matador Dips Single Arm Ring Rows DB Floor Press DB Bent Over Row -Rest 2 min- Legs/Abs 4 rounds 40 sec work/ 20 sec rest Pistol Squats (onto box if needed) Banded Goodmornings Skater Jumps Windshield Wipers *Pick weights you can move the entire 40 seconds *Quality movement *Move from exercise to exercise Split up into 2 groups if a big class
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CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 SETS 10/10 Moose Antlers 10 Supermans 10 Scap Push-Ups Into… 4 SETS (:20 ON/ :10 OFF) MOVT 1 – Row* MOVT 2 – Push-Up** *Start at 50% effort, increase pace each set (50%, 60%, 70%, 80%) **After 2 sets, switch to Push-Up to Pike Strength Bench Press (8-8-6-6-4-4) 8-8-6-6-4-4* Bench Press *Build from Light-Moderate to Moderate-Heavy (Score is Weight) Workout Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) EVERY 3:00 x 5 SETS 500/400m Row Max DB Floor Press (50/35)|(35/20) in Time Remaining… (Score is Reps) KG DB: (22.5/15)|(15/9) Finisher Metcon (No Measure) TABATA (8 SETS, :20 ON/:10 OFF) DB Gun Hold* *Single or Double DB. (No Measure)
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