Announcements NEW TSHIRTS AND CROP t’s/TANK TOPS are OTW and should be here before weeks end. Bring a Friend Week #BAF is coming Aug 12-17th! Start lookin for your next best FRAN wod partner! They join that week, $50 off for you and them! 9th Annual Member appreciation beach day. Saturday, August 24th, from 9am until we are done. Event details on FB event. Please RSVP so we have a headcount. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 3 Rounds :30 on / :30 off Bike or Row (Hard Pace) Air Squats Metcon (Time) For Time 27-21-15-9* DB Thrusters 50/35s Calorie Echo Bike 12 min cap *21-16-11-6 Cals for LadiesRx+ Scale/Masters 27-21-15-9 DB Thrusters (any weight) Calories on Machine of Choice Strength Back Rack Reverse Lunges (Every 3:00 for 5 Sets 12 Reps (6/side)) *Increase weight across, *goal is all 5 sets are heavy
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