CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm Up 3 Rounds 20 Plate Hops 10 Plate Squats 10 Plate Ground To Overhead Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 14 50 DU 10 Front Squat (185/125) 50 DU 5 Wall WalksScaled/Masters 50 Single Unders / 25 Double unders 10 DB Goblet Squats (any weight) 50 Single Unders / 25 Double unders 10 Hand Release Push Ups Strength Back Squat (Every 3:00 for 4 sets 3 Heavy Reps -These should all be heavy working sets. Going every 3:00 you will have more time than usual to recover so keep them)
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CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 25′ Butt Kicks 25′ High Knees 25′ Lunge Steps 25′ Frankenstein’s 25′ Inch Worms 25′ Burpee Broad Jumps Metcon (Time) For Time 400m Run 21 Bar Muscle Ups 400m Run 27 Hang Clean and Jerk 95/65 400m Run 33 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″ 15 min capScaled/Masters 200m Run 15 Pull Ups (any variation) 200m Run 21 DB Hang Clean and Jerk 200m Run 27 Burpee Box Step Ups (20) Strength Power Clean (EMOM 6 2 Reps (drop and reset) 1 Min Rest In 5:00 3 attempts at a heavy single -Build across the EMOM, priming the movement for those heavy singles )
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CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 100m row 20 air squats 10 BB Strict Press 100m row 10 BB Front Squats 10 BB Push Press 100m row 10 BB Thrusters Metcon (Weight) EMOM x 24 Teams of 2 200/180m row Heavy Thrustesr* Sets 1-4: 3 reps Sets 5-8: 2 reps Sets 9-12: 1 rep Scaore is total weight for final single Finisher EMOM x 6 3-8 strict pull ups AMRAP push ups
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CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 25′ butt kicks 25′ high knees 25′ lunge steps 25′ frankensteins 25′ inch worms Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 12 200m run 18 Alt Hang DB Snatch (50/35) 6 Strict HSPUScaled/Masters AMRAP 12 100m run 18 Alt DB Hang Snatch (35/25) 9 hand release push ups Strength Hang Squat Snatch (EMOM x 4 2 reps E2MOM x 4 2 reps) lighter weights for the emom…working weights for the E2MOM
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CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm up 400m run then 2 rounds 5/5 worlds greatest 10 kang squats 20 SU Metcon (Time) For time 1200m row 120 DU 60 air squats 800m row 60 DU 40 air squats 400m row 30 DU 20 air squats 25 min capScaled/Masters SU Cool Down ROMWOD
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