Announcements Memorial HERO WEEK May 22-26. 5 days, 5 Hero WODS, 5 tests of mental and physical fortitude. Closed May 27-29th in observance of our Fallen brothers for Memorial day. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (No Measure) EMOM x 25 45 sec on/ 15 sec off Min 1 & 2-Cardio of Choice Min 3-KB Complex * (35/25) Min 4-Ab mat sit ups Min 5- RestKB Complex 3/3Hang Power Clean 3/3 Goblet Reverse Lunges RX+ 53/35 4/4 on complex TTB Cool Down ROMWOD
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Announcements Memorial HERO WEEK May 22-26. 5 days, 5 Hero WODS, 5 tests of mental and physical fortitude. Closed May 27-29th in observance of our Fallen brothers for Memorial day. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm Up 2 rounds 10 hollow rocks 5/5 bird dogs 3/3 box step ups 2 wall walks Strength Shoulder Press (5-5-3-3-2-2) 15 min clock Metcon (Time) 21-15-9-15-21 Alt DB Snatch (35/25) Box Jumps (24/20) 15 min capRX+ 50/35 Scaled/Masters 15-12-9-12-15 Alt DB Snatch (20/15) Box Step Ups 20in
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Announcements Memorial HERO WEEK May 22-26. 5 days, 5 Hero WODS, 5 tests of mental and physical fortitude. Closed May 27-29th in observance of our Fallen brothers for Memorial day. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm Up 3 rounds 100m run 5/5 shoulder taps 5 scap pull ups 5/5 lateral leg sweeps Cindy goes running (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 20 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 air squats *On the 0:00/5:00/10:00/15:00 run 400m *Goal is to keep the run under 2:30RX+ Wear a vest (20/14) Scaled/Masters 5 RR 8 banded push ups 10 air squats 300m run Finisher For time 50 banded good morning 50 banded pull aparts *partition as you wish
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Announcements Memorial HERO WEEK May 22-26. 5 days, 5 Hero WODS, 5 tests of mental and physical fortitude. Closed May 27-29th in observance of our Fallen brothers for Memorial day. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm Up AMRAP 5 5 BB Good Morning 5 BTN Push Press 5 Front Squat 5/5 Worlds Greatest Strength 1 Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk (4 workings sets @ RPE 7-8 ) 20 min 1000m Row (Time) Max Effort 1000m Row5 min cap Run 2 heats if needed
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Announcements Memorial HERO WEEK May 22-26. 5 days, 5 Hero WODS, 5 tests of mental and physical fortitude. Closed May 27-29th in observance of our Fallen brothers for Memorial day. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (Time) Teams of 3 3 rounds *one athlete at each station…athletes switch stations each round Station 1-2.5K/2k Echo bike Station 2- 800m run Station 3- Sangbag Bear Hug Hold AHAP 20 synchro SA Alt DB Snatch (35/25) *complete the synchro DB snatches each round after every team member has finished their station 25 min capRX+ 50/35 Scaled/Masters 2k/1.5K Echo 600m run Single KB Front Rack Hold 12 Synchro Alt DB Snatch (20/15)
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