Announcements HERO Week is upon us! Normal schedule until Friday. Friday (Murph): 5am/830am/5pm classes Saturday & Monday Closed in observance of Memorial Day. CrossFit VU – CrossFit In memory of Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, who died on 15 October 2008 during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training while assigned to Army USSOCOM preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. Jerry is survived by his wife Milely and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase, and Connor. The “Jerry” Hero WOD was first posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for May 9, 2010 View Public Whiteboard Jerry (Time) For Time: 1-Mile Run 2k Row 1-Mile RunIn honor of Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 preparing for deployment to Afghanistan.To learn more about Jerry click hereScaled 800m run 1k row 800m run **if biking is needed, 3:1 ration Bike to run. -3 miles...
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Announcements HERO Week is upon us! Normal schedule until Friday. Friday (Murph): 5am/830am/5pm classes Saturday & Monday Closed in observance of Memorial Day. CrossFit VU – CrossFit U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Ricardo Barraza, 24, of Shafter, CA, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, based in Fort Lewis, WA, died on March 18, 2006, in Ar Ramadi Iraq, when he came under small arms fire by enemy forces during combat operations. He is survived by his parents Francisco and Nina, his siblings Amanda, Rachel, Jamie, and Frankie, and his fiancee Maghan K. Harrington and her daughter Kayla. The “Barraza” Hero WOD was first posted on crossfit.com as the workout of the day for Sunday, March 17, 2013 View Public Whiteboard Barraza (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 18 Minute AMRAP of: 200m Run 9 Deadlifts, 275# 6 Burpee Bar Muscle-upsIn honor of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Ricardo Barraza, 24, of...
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Announcements HERO Week is upon us! Normal schedule until Friday. Friday (Murph): 5am/830am/5pm classes Saturday & Monday Closed in observance of Memorial Day. CrossFit VU – CrossFit U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, MS, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Campbell, KY, was killed on August 30, 2004, when his Military vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Khutayiah, Iraq. He is survived by his daughters Shelby and Erin, son Zachary, parents Ross and Glenda, and siblings Kelly and Daniel. The “Holleyman” Hero WOD was first posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for Thursday, August 30, 2012. View Public Whiteboard Holleyman (Time) 30 Rounds for time of: 5 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# /14# 3 Handstand Push-ups 1 Power Clean, 225#/ 155#In honor of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, MT, was...
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Announcements HERO Week is upon us! Normal schedule until Friday. Friday (Murph): 5am/830am/5pm classes Saturday & Monday Closed in observance of Memorial Day. CrossFit VU – CrossFit On August 6, 2011, a tragedy shook the military community and Americans everywhere. In a single instance, America lost 30 military service members, many of whom were members of the Navy SEAL community—and one military K9—when an Extortion 17 helicopter was downed in Afghanistan. The @31heroes workout was specifically designed to remember the fallen heroes of August 6, 2011 and honor their legacy of sacrifice. 1. Army Sergeant Alexander J Bennett 2. Petty Officer 1st Class, SEAL Darrik C Benson, PO1 SEAL 3. Chief Petty Officer, SEAL Brian R Bill 4. Air Force Para Rescue Tech Sergeant, John W Brown, 5. Chief Petty Officer, SEAL Christopher G. Campbell 6. Army Chief Warrant Officer 4, David R Carter 7. PO1, Information Systems Technician, Jared...
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CrossFit VU – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Partner Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Teams of 2 AMRAP 25 Buy In: 800m run Max rounds of ‘Ellen’ 20 burpees 21 Alt DB Snatch (35/20)(25/15) 12 Dual DB Thrusters*partition as needed RX+ 50/35 Scaled Less weight
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