CrossFit VU – NC60 View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) LINE DRILLS (4:00 Max) 25’ Knee Hugs 25’ Quad Pulls 25’ Toe Walk 25’ Heel Walk 25’ Toy Soldiers 25’ Samson Lunges 25’ High Knees 25’ Butt Kickers Into… AMRAP x 5 MINUTES* 100m Run 10 Air Squats 10 Step Ups *At 2:30 mark, swap to: 100m Run 10 MB Thrusters 10 Box Jumps Workout Kelly (Time) 5 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 30 Box Jumps, 24” / 20” 30 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14# Partner Workout Option Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) IN TEAMS OF 2… AMRAP x 30 MINUTES* 400m Run 60 Box Jumps (24/20) 60 Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10) *Partner 1 works while Partner 2 rests. Alternate as needed on the BJ and WB. Partners run the 400m together carrying the ball. Ball can be passed back and forth as needed. (Score is Rounds +...
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