CrossFit VU – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon Fighting Spirit (Time) For Time: 8 Rounds: -3 Deadlifts 275#/185# -9 Burpee box jumps 24”/20” -4 Clean & Jerks 135#95# then Cash out: 85 double unders25 min cap RX+ 315/225 155/105 Scaled Less weight Step ups 170 singles
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Announcements Fighting Spirit WOD/ Cancer awareness FundRaiser for BeTheMatch.org , Weds, August 3. WOD will be conducted all day during classes. Please bring some cash if you can to help others get treatment and more time with family. Thank you CrossFit VU – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 1 min hurdler stretch each side :30 downdog 3/3 groiners on box 5/5 shoulders taps 5/5 quad stretch 200m run 15 cal row or 12 cal bike 6 box step overs 5 dips Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 30 5 min on/1 min off 400m run 21 cal row or 18 cal bike 15 Single DB Box Step Overs (35/20)(25/15) 9 Matador Dips *pick up where you left offRX+ 600m run 50/35 Strict HSPU Scaled Less weight Banded dips
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Announcements Fighting Spirit WOD/ Cancer awareness FundRaiser for BeTheMatch.org , Weds, August 3. WOD will be conducted all day during classes. Please bring some cash if you can to help others get treatment and more time with family. Thank you CrossFit VU – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 5 bootstrappers 5/5 bird dogs 5/5 SL Glute Bridge 5 Pike Push Ups 5 wide stance air squats Barbell Prep Strength 2022 Semifinal Barbell Complex (1 x 1) 3 Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 1 JerkBuild to a heavy *clean can be squat or power 20 min Metcon FRACTURED FRAN (Time) 5 Rounds for Time 9 Thrusters (95/65 lbs) 9 Pull-Ups12 min cap Scaled Less weight Ring Rows/Banded Pull Ups 3-4 rounds
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Announcements Fighting Spirit WOD/ Cancer awareness FundRaiser for BeTheMatch.org , Weds, August 3. WOD will be conducted all day during classes. Please bring some cash if you can to help others get treatment and more time with family. Thank you CrossFit VU – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Partner Metcon Barbara Ann (5 Rounds for time) 5 Rounds, Each for Time: 20 Handstand Push-Ups 30 Deadlifts (135/95 lb) 40 Sit-Ups 50 Double-Unders Rest 3 minutes between Each Round.To learn more about Barbara Ann click hereTeams of 2 *Substitute deadlifts for tire flips *Split reps as needed with partner RX+ Strict HSPU Scaled HR Push Ups 100 SU
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Announcements Fighting Spirit WOD/ Cancer awareness FundRaiser for BeTheMatch.org , Weds, August 3. WOD will be conducted all day during classes. Please bring some cash if you can to help others get treatment and more time with family. Thank you CrossFit VU – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) :30 row or bike 3/3 Half Kneeling SA DB Press :30 row or bike 10 hollow rocks :30 row or bike 10 supermans Review BB Complex Strength Strict Press + 2 Push Press (1 x 1) Build to a heavy 15 min Metcon Crossfit Games Open 18.1 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps) Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 8 Toes-to-bars 10 Dumbbell Hang C&J 50/35 lb 14/12-Cal Row12/10 cal bike Scaled HKR Less weight
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