CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm-up Line Drills EMOM x 10 15sec on / 45 sec off Sprint on bike or rower Annie Rides a Bike (Time) 50-40-30-20-10 Ab mat sit ups DU * 10 cals on echo bike after each round or 14 cal row 15 min capScaled 30-25-20-15-10 SU Finisher For quality 50 banded pull aparts 50 banded bicep curls 50 banded tricep ex
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Announcements Please be sure to reserve your spot for class. When we have Snatch and Clean & Jerk days, the limit is a hard 15. For safety purposes, we must abide by these rules. You are welcometo always hangout to the side, do extra work before the next class. Thank you. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm-up Halo Barbell Prep Strength Front Squat + Back Squat (5 FS + 5 BS @65-75% x 5 sets ) Final week 30 min Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 8 2..4..6..8 SA Devils Press (35/25) BJO (24/20)RX+ 50/35 Scaled/Masters AMRAP 8 3/3 SA DB Devils Press 6 BJO or Step Overs 20in
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Announcements Please be sure to reserve your spot for class. When we have Snatch and Clean & Jerk days, the limit is a hard 15. For safety purposes, we must abide by these rules. You are welcometo always hangout to the side, do extra work before the next class. Thank you. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Hotshots 19 (Time) 6 Rounds for time of: 30 Squats 19 Power Cleans, 135# / 95# 7 Strict Pull-ups 400m RunTeams of 2 Run together 40 min cap Scaled/Masters 3-4 rounds 20 air squats 12 Power Cleans 95/65 7 RR/banded Split the run
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Announcements Please be sure to reserve your spot for class. When we have Snatch and Clean & Jerk days, the limit is a hard 15. For safety purposes, we must abide by these rules. You are welcometo always hangout to the side, do extra work before the next class. Thank you. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Warm-up 3 rounds 20 SU or DU 3/3 TSpine Rotations 10 hollow rocks :15 HS Hold or Downdog Barbell Prep Strength Shoulder to Overhead (Build to a heavy 3 rep ) Can be push jerk/split jerk From the rack Crossfit Games Open 21.1 RX (Ages 16-54) (Time) For Time: 1 wall walk 10 double-unders 3 wall walks 30 double-unders 6 wall walks 60 double-unders 9 wall walks 90 double-unders 15 wall walks 150 double-unders 21 wall walks 210 double-unders Time cap: 15 minTo learn more about Crossfit Games Open 21.1 RX (Ages 16-54) click here...
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Announcements Please be sure to reserve your spot for class. When we have Snatch and Clean & Jerk days, the limit is a hard 15. For safety purposes, we must abide by these rules. You are welcometo always hangout to the side, do extra work before the next class. Thank you. CrossFit VU – CrossFit Metcon (No Measure) Tabata #1 20 sec on/10 sec off x 8 Cardio of choice rest 2 min Tabata #2 Russian Twists w/ slam ball rest 2 min Tabata #3 Plate G2O rest 2 min Tabata #4 Mountain Climbers Cool Down ROMWOD
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